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Back to School

August 18, 20231 min read

Back to School

August 18, 2023 by | Leave a Comment

Today is our toddler’s 1st day of PK.

Gotta say, being on this side of the school bus gives so much perspective.

All of the hopes, fears, nerves parents experience as they send part of their own hearts off to school.

I have the deepest respect and admiration for each and every teacher that is truly there for the kids. And, I hope that your admin and families are there for you, too.

Thank you for everything you do.

And, all of the kindness you show our littles that us parents don’t even know about.

Thank you, thank you for treating them with love + patience.

Drop either you or your kiddos’ back to school pic below!

Prayers for an amazing, safe, happy year!

We love + appreciate you.

PS – Best “Back to School” teacher gift ideas? Let’s hear it!

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