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Is your voicemail helping or hurting your job search? 🤔 A full inbox or a dull greeting could cost you opportunities! Clear old messages, record a professional greeting, and smile while you speak ...more
Career Coaching ,KatieTravisConsulting ResumeBoss &GetHired
February 21, 2025•1 min read
Your work environment shapes your well-being! Discover how words impact productivity and why a positive workplace is essential for success. Ready to make a change? Read more now! ...more
Career Coaching ,KatieTravisConsulting ResumeBoss &Careergrowth
February 20, 2025•3 min read
Negotiation can turn a good job offer into a great one! 💼🔥 One client secured an offer over $91K with the right strategy. Learn how confidence and preparation can boost your salary. Don't settle—neg... ...more
Career Coaching ,KatieTravisConsulting GetHired &negotiationskills
February 19, 2025•2 min read
Wow, about 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates! If you’re on the job hunt, it’s time to optimize that profile. ...more
Career Coaching ,KatieTravisConsulting KTCPivoters &General
January 31, 2025•4 min read
Weekend Update! 🔥 We’re celebrating TWO Career Pivot Like a Boss participants landing new jobs last week! 🎉 Ready to make your own move? Let’s get you hired! 💼✨ ...more
Career Coaching ,General WellBeing &HeyKatie
January 28, 2025•2 min read
"Discover the ease of career transitions with the 'Career Pivot Like a Boss' program by Katie Travis Consulting. Simplify your journey and achieve success effortlessly! ...more
Career Coaching ,KTCPivoters Jobseekers ResumeBoss &General
January 27, 2025•3 min read