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Hablamos Español!

October 06, 20231 min read

Hablamos Español!

October 6, 2023 by | Leave a Comment

You probably wouldn’t guess it, but this little blondie says as many words in Spanish as she does in English – if not more.

(Es verdad, soy una mamá orgullosa)

When I dropped her at school, a teacher I’d not met yet greeted her in Spanish.

I’m not overexaggerating when I say her face LIT UP!

I realize this isn’t your typical inclusion story, but I can’t pass up the chance to shout-out people that take the time to really get to know others.

They skip the small talk + ask more meaningful questions.

They listen to understand.

They care.

They make us feel seen and valued, even when we’re different.

Did you know 90% of icebergs are hidden beneath the water line?

To be seen, you have to be seen – you know?

What’s something we wouldn’t know about you, just from your appearance?

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