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Finding Joy in the Laundry Routine!

November 09, 20231 min read

Finding Joy in the Laundry Routine!

November 9, 2023 by | Leave a Comment

Believe it or not, the simple act of doing laundry can become a source of genuine gratitude when you transition from the classroom to a remote work setting.

As a former teacher with 18 years of experience, I understand the exhaustion that comes at the end of the day.

Back then, doing a load of laundry felt as daunting as cooking a 5-course meal—it just wasn’t happening.

In those teaching days, throwing a load of laundry in before rushing out the door in the morning often meant it stayed there, waiting to be re-washed on the weekend when I finally had a moment to breathe.

Fast forward to my work-from-home life, and the narrative has completely changed.

Now, I find myself doing laundry almost every day, and each time, there’s a genuine feeling of gratitude that washes over me. The transformation from viewing laundry as a chore to embracing it as a moment of joy is a testament to the shift in my daily routine. The remote work lifestyle has given me the flexibility to manage household tasks with ease. I now smile ear to ear like a goofball each time I toss a load in, reveling in the newfound simplicity of this once-daunting task.

And here’s a little secret—it doesn’t hurt that my husband lends a hand with the folding.

If you’ve ever considered making the leap to the “remote life” and want to find joy in the mundane, I’m here to help.

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