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Confidently negotiate your salary! Whether you're applying for a position requiring advanced qualifications or exploring new opportunities, you deserve fair compensation. Let Katie Travis Consulting g... ...more
General ,gifts HappyDay &Mental Health
November 24, 2024•2 min read
"Where Katie Travis Consulting Clients Have Landed," featuring logos of various well-known companies, with Katie Travis smiling enthusiastically in the foreground against a pink and gray background. ...more
GetHired ,CareerCoaching ClientSuccess &Mental Health
November 08, 2024•1 min read
Signs your body may be telling you "no": Trouble sleeping Headaches Overwhelming fatigue Upset stomach Easily irritated Chest tightness/body tension Crying ...more
General ,Nothing is Impossible Mental Health &Good Memories
November 01, 2024•1 min read
Weekend win! 🎉 Another career pivoter lands a new role with Katie Travis Consulting. 1 happy client accepted an offer and 4 interviews happened last week. Ready for your career pivot? Let’s make it h... ...more
KatieTravisConsulting ,KTCPivoters WellBeing CareerCoaching &Mental Health
May 21, 2024•3 min read
The unemployment rate for disabled and chronically ill persons is more than double that of non-disabled individuals, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. ...more
KatieTravisConsulting ,General WellBeing wise &Mental Health
October 11, 2023•1 min read