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Did you know it only takes 33 milliseconds to make a first impression with your profile picture? A high-quality headshot can make all the difference! Transform your phone photos into professional-look... ...more
Career Coaching ,Branding KatieTravisConsulting Jobseekers ResumeBoss GetHired TransitioningTeachers &DontSettleForLess
March 07, 2024•2 min read
Did you know this means that they WANT to hire you? ...more
Branding ,GetHired General WellBeing &CareerCoaching
July 10, 2023•0 min read
If you need to use technical terms/acronyms ...more
Branding ,General ClientSuccess &Technical Terms
July 09, 2023•0 min read
💰When it comes time to #negotiate an offer ...more
Branding ,Negotiation Jobseekers &General
July 07, 2023•0 min read
Thanks for the kind welcome, BBB| Heart of Illinois! ...more
Career Coaching ,Branding Negotiation KatieTravisConsulting &General
July 06, 2023•0 min read
Your current salary is your starting point + if you’re looking for a raise, keep it under wraps! ...more
Branding ,Negotiation ResumeBoss &General
June 16, 2023•0 min read