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Empowerment starts with belief! Discover how self-confidence transforms lives and fuels success. Read Celeste’s inspiring journey and learn how to unlock your potential. More details coming soon! ...more
KatieTravisConsulting ,ResumeBoss GetHired CareerCoaching &Careeropportunities
February 26, 2025•2 min read
Is your voicemail helping or hurting your job search? 🤔 A full inbox or a dull greeting could cost you opportunities! Clear old messages, record a professional greeting, and smile while you speak ...more
Career Coaching ,KatieTravisConsulting ResumeBoss &GetHired
February 21, 2025•1 min read
Tired of applying for jobs and hearing nothing back? Reverse recruiting flips the script! Let experts find the right jobs, optimize your resume, and handle applications—so employers chase you. 🚀 Stop... ...more
KatieTravisConsulting ,GetHired CareerGoals &DreamJob
February 21, 2025•2 min read
Negotiation can turn a good job offer into a great one! 💼🔥 One client secured an offer over $91K with the right strategy. Learn how confidence and preparation can boost your salary. Don't settle—neg... ...more
Career Coaching ,KatieTravisConsulting GetHired &negotiationskills
February 19, 2025•2 min read
Struggling to land a job without a degree? Your leadership and skills matter! 🚀 Learn how to showcase your strengths and transition into the private or public sector. Let's connect and unlock new car... ...more
KatieTravisConsulting ,GetHired Client Success &CareerCoaching
February 11, 2025•1 min read
Celebrating Addison's 1-year jobaversary! 🎉 Her journey proves that the right job will value you. With courage and patience, she took the leap and changed her life. Ready to take your next career ste... ...more
KatieTravisConsulting ,KTCPivoters GetHired Client Success &CareerCoaching
February 06, 2025•1 min read